Increases Sales With Google Ads for Franchises Across USA

Our Scope With This Client:

Google Ads Management

When PuppyPalace came to us seeking to boost their lead generation and drive more traffic to their website, we knew that a strategic and data-driven approach was essential. That’s why we developed a highly detailed and granular Google Ads account tailored to their specific needs.

By focusing on targeted ad placements and rigorous performance monitoring, we were able to help PuppyPalace achieve outstanding results in a short amount of time. Our approach was designed to maximize their return on investment and generate leads with precision and efficiency.

The results speak for themselves: our carefully crafted Google Ads account helped drive a significant increase in lead generation and website traffic for PuppyPalace across multiple states in the USA. We’re proud to have played a role in their success and look forward to helping other businesses achieve similar results.


Taking the first steps towards success

Why They Came To Us

Puppy Palace, like many businesses in the competitive puppy franchise industry, faced the challenge of standing out and driving sales. As newcomers to Google Ads, they were unsure of what to expect and eager to gain greater visibility and control over their advertising efforts. Our team worked closely with Puppy Palace to develop a strategic advertising approach that would not only help them break through the noise but also enable them to track and manage their campaigns with ease. Through targeted ad placements and rigorous performance monitoring, we were able to help Puppy Palace achieve their sales goals and establish a stronger online presence. By empowering them with the tools and knowledge they needed to succeed, we enabled Puppy Palace to take control of their advertising and position themselves for long-term growth in a competitive marketplace.

The Strategy

Our team's mission was to develop a highly effective advertising account that would minimize wasteful spending while boosting sales and customer engagement. Through careful research and strategic planning, we crafted a targeted AdWords account that targeted specific states across the USA. Our approach paid off: not only were we able to keep costs down, but we also saw a significant increase in both sales and phone calls from interested customers. By focusing on a lean and efficient approach, we were able to achieve our goal of maximizing returns while minimizing expenses.

1 %
1 %
INCREASE IN NEW LEADS Within The First 30 Days
1 X

At our agency, we understand that our clients place a great deal of trust in us when they engage our services to expand their online presence through search marketing. That’s why we make it a priority to use their resources as efficiently as possible and deliver results that meet or exceed their expectations.

One recent success story involved building and optimizing a Google Ads account for a client that yielded a confirmed lead for every four clicks on their ad. This performance is particularly noteworthy when compared to the average lead generation conversion rate of 4%-8% across most industries.

By focusing on targeted ad placement and rigorous performance monitoring, we were able to help our client achieve outstanding results while minimizing wasted spending. It’s this kind of dedication to our clients’ success that sets us apart and drives us to continually improve our services.

As any entrepreneur knows, launching a new business can be an uphill battle, and securing qualified leads right out of the gate is a rare luxury. However, for one of our clients, we were able to help make this dream a reality.

Through careful planning and targeted search marketing efforts, we were able to generate a steady stream of high-quality leads for our client’s business right from the start. By leveraging our expertise in lead generation and strategic campaign management, we helped ensure that their business hit the ground running and enjoyed a successful launch.

At our agency, we understand the importance of making every dollar count for our clients, especially during the critical early stages of a new business launch. That’s why we work tirelessly to deliver the results that our clients need to succeed and thrive in today’s competitive market.

For many businesses that rely on leads to sustain their operations, speed is just as crucial as quantity. That’s why, when we launched a new Google Ads account for one of our clients, we made it a top priority to generate leads quickly and efficiently.

Through strategic campaign planning and targeted ad placements, we were able to achieve impressive results in a short amount of time. Within just four weeks of launching their account, we had increased our client’s incoming leads four-fold, providing a significant boost to their bottom line.

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